Kako promeniti život? Lako, ako pitate Sydney Ferbrache. Samo date otkaz, ostavite dečka i same krenete na dugačak put u nepoznato.

Sydney Ferbrache ima 24 godine, sada putuje u kombiju i vodi blog, radi kao web dizajnerka i virtuelna asistentkinja. I živi najbolje dane svog života.

Društvo joj pravi Ella, zlatna retriverka.


Mlada Amerikanka je rodom iz Indianopolisa i objašnjava da je shvatila da dečko jednostavno nije za nju. Pa je sama krenula na put po Americi. Znate, road trip!

“Htela sam da putujem celog života, ali nikada nisam imala dovoljno novca”, objašnjava Sydney.

“Nema tu nikakve teške priče, samo smo shvatili da je bolje da zajedno počnemo naše puteve”, dodaje.

“Kao i kod većine raskida nije to bila ničija greška, ali sam se posle toga osećala slobodno pošto znam znala da je to ispravna odluka. Složili smo se da će on da uzme kombi. Iako sam ja platila polovinu htela sam čist početak.”

Kako promeniti život

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“I remember taking a mental picture about a month ago. If I close my eyes and think about it, I can relive every detail of that moment. I was parked in Utah on my way to San Diego. I was laying in bed on my side, and Ella was behind me being the big spoon with her little paw thrown across my ear. I felt her head lay on top of mine and press down. I immediately thought to myself, "This moment is one of the best that I'll ever have. The happiest I could ever possibly be." Life was perfect. – Then she moved her head and rolled around… And the moment was over just like that. If you take anything from this story (full blog story), please notice the good moments. The best ones that you'll ever have. – Take a mental picture. – Because you never know when they'll be gone and everything will change. It can happen in an instant. But even in the midst of your worst days ever, keep in mind that it isn't only the good moments that are fleeting. – The worst will pass and another perfect moment will come soon enough.” – A little piece of a pretty lengthy blog post that I wrote while decompressing the last couple days after an incredibly stressful week. If you want to know all the details and updates on Ella’s surgery, the fire evacuation, and everything else we’ve been up to, click the link in my bio. ❤️

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Sydney je onda prodala sve što ima, radila je tri posla ina kraju kupila kombi Ford Transit High Roof 148′ kojim je krenula na put.

Pre toga je od kombija napravila sebi mali ali udoban dom.

To je koštalo čak 10.000 dolara, a za kombi je platila još 6.000.

“U kombiju imam solarnu energiju, kuhinju, spavaću sobu, kancelarijski deo i pruža mi sve što mi je potrebno za život.”


Za putovanja i život zarađuje od svog bloga, reklama i Instagrama.

Pre toga je radila 70 sati nedeljno i osećala se jadno sa šefom kao inkarnacijom đavola. To joj je i pomoglo da shvati kako običan svakodnevni posao nije za nju.

Do sada je obišla park Yellowstone, Montanu, Jutu, Arizonu, San Diego, Kaliforniju, Oregon a skoknula je i do Kanade.

Sada planira da nastavi putovanje po Meksiku.

Syndey kaže da vodi računa i o bezbednosti pa istražuje gde je sigurno da parkira. Tu i radi na svom blogu i za druge klijente.

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Ella was the dog that got me through it. She put her head in my lap when I cried in the desert. She made me belly laugh when we were alone for days at a time. She gave me purpose and showed me love and made me strong. I’ve started every morning and ended each night outside every single day on the road because of her. She’s kept me from hiding out in this little space of ours. She gets me outdoors, she keeps me crazy, and she makes me understand the idea of motherhood. She’s not always well behaved and she’s actually a wild teenager right now. But when she climbs up on the bed and nuzzles her face into my body, it brings a kind of peace I didn’t know before. This child has seen it all. Been with me through what feels like everything. She doesn’t know any one place as her home but if she sees me, she knows she’s there. We’ve laid next to each other hundreds of nights staring out these doors in silence for hours like we were watching a movie. And while the screen might change, my date has not. – Pearl is the dog I got when I was ready. She brings a lightness and breath of fresh air to the table. She lets me cuddle at noon when Ella only wants to do sprints. She’s my right hand while Ella is my soulmate. @theasherhouse pack came into my life once I was ready too. And taught me that I could have a million dogs and love them all the same. Totally and completely equal. Each with a different personality and quality to love. But no dog, for as long as I live, will be Ella. She is a once in a lifetime dog and everything would be different without her.

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“Morate da izađete i probate sami kako biste zaista saznali šta svet ima za vas. Upoznajte sebe duboko, iskusite svet koliko želite i nikada se ne ustručavajte. Zapravo, samo kreni i uradi to!”

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