Holandjani (svi koji zive u Holandiji, a narocito natives) mnogo cene sunce, jer ga veoma retko imaju. Suncani periodi i predugi dani (i do 17 sati svetla) traju samo tokom par letnjih meseci. Od kraja maja do septembra. Onda pocinju tj neprekidno traju kise i tmurno je i duva hladan vetar i mokro je. Dan je veoma kratak. Ni malo nije prijatno, kazu iskusni.

Zato se u Holandiji sunce slavi tokom citavog leta, sirom citave zemlje. Nema se, ceni se! Svuda su ulicni festivali u slavu sunca – outdoor izlozbe, koncerti – od klasicne preko jazza do elektronske muzike, zurke, vasare, filmske festivale dokumentarnog filma, pozorisne predstave u parkovima, ture po gradu, obilaske muzeja, cak i shopping night. Znaci SVE se radi intenzivno i unapolju.

Festival u Hagu ovih dana – thehaguefestivals.nl

Ovde su fotografije par radova sa jedne od brojih postavki po gradu.  Den Haag Sculptuur 08 – Freedom, radovi americkim savremenih umetnika  u neposrednoj blizini Escher-ovog muzeja.



Moji favoriti su:


Jenny Holzer – Ambition is just…



i jos neke delovi pojedinacno. nadam se da ce biti citljive. zanimljivo stivo za razmisljanje….



Natasha Johns-Messenger – Through To You . Optische illusie,


(autoportert. a ko bi rekao 🙂 sjajna iluzija)




In the summer of 2008, The Hague Sculpture wants to draw attention to American sculpture, particularly artists who were or have been active as of 1958. With well-known and high-profile sculptures, as well as new works of art created especially for the exhibition, The Hague Sculpture aims to show what freedom means for artists and indirectly how important it is for all of us, visitors and fellow citizens, to cherish freedom and to not take it for granted.


With the theme FREEDOM, The Hague Sculpture will be taking a fitting cultural run-up to the American presidential elections ending on 4 November 2008, which show all the signs of building up to being a memorable and exciting event.



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